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03: Can Microsoft App-V applications work with PolicyPak Starts Screen and Taskbar Manager?

Yes. It is tested and should work just like any other registered applications. The pre-requisites are same and we recommend creating GPOs for PolicyPak Starts Screen Manager, from the machine where required App-V package is already installed.

Steps to create App-V icon in Windows Starts Screen via GPO.

  1. Create a GPO and expand PolicyPak Starts Screen Manager
  2. Create Collection, create Group and then right-click and select Add Desktop Application Tile

  1. Select Registered Application (Recommended) option and click on Next button

  1. Wait for the wizard to discover all registered applications including App-V application packages
  2. Select the App-V application and verify the path by moving your cursor over the Icon

  1. Complete the remaining steps and apply group policy updates on the target machine.

PS: Target application path must exist at client machine.

  1. Log-off and log back on to see the required Starts Screen items.

  • 1003
  • 21-Nov-2020