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02: PolicyPak and AGPM

If you don’t know, Microsoft has a tool called Advanced Group Policy Management, or AGPM for short.

AGPM is a great utility to handle the workflow around Group Policy management. But, to be super clear, AGPM doesn’t add any “super powers” to your Group Policy infrastructure. You don’t suddenly get more lockdown capability on your Windows client machines.

That’s what PolicyPak does: we lock down your applications and operating systems using Group Policy.

That being said, however, PolicyPak does work with Microsoft AGPM – superbly. So, if you’ve got Microsoft’s AGPM, PolicyPak just fits right in, right at home like the Group Policy items in the box.

Watch this video (exclusively for Microsoft AGPM administrators) to see exactly how to AGPM and PolicyPak work together to provide full reporting, history and rollback capabilities.

  • 1028
  • 25-Jan-2023