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27: PolicyPak 3.5 Applock Update Behavior Change
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Prior to PolicyPak 3.5, it was required to forcefully display previous AppLock (TM) elements. Here, see how to quickly restore the element within the GPO — very easily.



PolicyPak 3.5 Applock Update Behavior Change video transcript

Hi, everyone. This is Jeremy Moskowitz. In this quick video, I’m going to show you a small behavior change betweenPolicyPak 3.0 and 3.5.

Here in this example of WinZip, you can see I’ve disabled this particular entry, and here I’ve also hidden a particular entry. Let’s go to the actual definition in the Group Policy Object and see what I’m talking about here. This is inside the Group Policy Object itself. Here you can see that I’ve right clicked and selected “Hide corresponding control in target application”for this guy and I’ve right clicked over and selected “Disable corresponding control in target application”for this guy.

Prior to PolicyPak 3.5, the behavior would be if you were to uncheck “Hide corresponding control in target application” for this guy and also to uncheck “Disable corresponding control in target application” for this guy, unfortunately those things would stick around.

The rationale would be we wanted you to specifically “Force display of this control in target application” if you wanted to return it, but we’ve got some feedback that said that’s not what people wanted. So we’ve removed that behavior and now updated it so that a simple uncheck of the “Hide corresponding control in target application” or “Disable corresponding control in target application” will re-reveal, thus removing the lockout mechanism.

Now that I’ve unselected the checkmark on either of these guys so this one is no longer hidden and this one is no longer disabled, let’s go ahead and click “OK.” I don’t have to forcefully ensure that’s going to view. I’m just going to go over to my target machine again, run “gpupdate” and get the latest setting here.

Now that that’s done, we’ll go ahead and run “WinZip,” go to “Options/Configuration…,” go over to “Passwords” and there we go. Very quickly and easily you can now specifically simply in the Group Policy Object un-unlock the thing you want. Just uncheck the checkbox of the lockout mechanism that you don’t want anymore, and it will immediately take effect on the next Group Policy refresh.

That is a behavior change that you should be aware of. You no longer are required to manually specify for a particular setting that you would want to, for instance, “Force display of this control in target application.” We have removed that requirement.

I hope that helps you out. We’re here for you if you need us.

Thanks so much.

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