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01: Block USB sticks using PolicyPak Cloud
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Got PolicyPak Cloud.. and naughty users with USB sticks? See how to take your policies and get them working with PolicyPak Cloud !


Hi, this is Jeremy Moskowitz, and in this video, I’m going to show you how you can use PolicyPak Device Manager and PolicyPak Cloud together. First things first, you’re going to want to go over to your machine that has the correct USB stick style that you want to approve, and you’re going to go to Device Manager, and here under the disk drives, you’re going to then go to Properties and look for the details of device instance path. That’s the magic formula here. Go ahead and copy that item, and then bring it over to your management station. Now here, we don’t have a way for you to create new policies in Cloud for Device Manager. Not a problem. That will be coming soon. For now, what you’ll do is take that item here, go over to that item here, and you'll paste in the string you just got from Device Manager. If you look, you’ll see that there’s Vendor, which shows JetFlash, and the product ID which is Transend 32GB. If you wanted to sanction this device type which is always encrypted or has some other kind of thing that you want, to your people, that’s great. You’ll just copy the JetFlash after the word Vendor, and after the PROD_ you’ll capture the ID of the device type. This is also the serial number that’s embedded in here as well. You could use that too. What we’ll do is we’ll go over to our management station here, and you should do some small-scale tests on-prem to make sure that this works the way you expect. We'll go to Device Manager, right-click Add a New Global Settings Policy, have to have one of those, which turns it all on and sets some of the defaults including the default messaging and so on.


Then the next thing we’re going to do is add a new policy type. Now the one that I want to show here, just for example – they all work but the one I just want to show for example is Let Users Use Specific Devices, and the vendor ID I want to use here is JetFlash. Let’s just go ahead and pick that guy. The product ID, like I said, is this Transcend 32GB guy. Go ahead and pick that, and we’ll pick Product Rev star here. Then I want to add in either a domain member if you’re using PolicyPak Cloud with domain-joined, which is unusual. You can add a local member if you know the exact name, or you can also match by SID. I actually like by SID because I find it to be incredibly reliable. If I were to go here and do whoami/all for this standard user, there is the SID. You could do it either that way – and we’ll go ahead and do a standard user. That part doesn’t really matter. The SID is what’s matching here. We’re going to say let this particular user have read-only access to the device that I say is sanctioned by the IT team.


Now that we’ve got the policy ready to go here – again, I humbly suggest that you do some small scale on-prem testing first, but I’m going to go right for broke and do an export. What you do then is you right-click over the root node here which contains all the policies, and then View as XML in Notepad. This gives you what you need to do to then copy it here. We’ll go over to PolicyPak Cloud over here. I’m going to go to the all group. You’ll probably, again, do some small-scale testing with a company group. I’m going to create and link a new policy here. Nope, I’m going to upload and link a new policy here. I’m then going to paste this in, and I’ll call this Device Manager, Specific Users for Sanctioned Devices. Now that I’ve got those two policies jammed in there, I can go ahead and click on it here, and I can show the policy settings here. You can see that it does have the items that I put here.


Now if I were to go over to my target machine here and run ppcloud/sync – well, the device in there is sanctioned right now, so you can see there’s the Device Manager, Specific Users for Sanctioned Devices, so I got the policy as expected. I shouldn’t see any change here. That totally makes sense. What I’m going to do is I’m going to unplug the good USB stick, and I’m going to plug in an unknown or naughty USB stick. Boom, there we go. We can see this does not meet the criteria, different vendor, different everything, so I get the description of what’s going on here. Let’s go ahead and go over to that drive and see what’s what there.


If I were to go to my removable disk here, I can see I’ve got all sorts of weird stuff here. I don’t know what it is, but I shouldn’t be able to copy stuff in. Yup, that doesn’t work if I try to do that, Skip. It’s not actually copying the file. It’s just trying to copy the file. We’re going to try to take this and copy it over here. Well, I’m not allowed to do that either. We get a USB stick you find in the parking lot with some weird stuff on it, that’s not going to work. Only the devices that you sanction, the good stuff, is sanctioned, and we said it was good for that user. Let’s go ahead and put in the good USB stick again. The good USB stick is now put in. If we go back to the IT-encrypted sanctioned USB stick and we try to read a PDF file from here, well that is approved. We’ve allowed that, but naughty USB sticks are blocked, and there you go.


If you want to become a better security admin with PolicyPak, hope this video helps you out. Looking forward to getting you started with PolicyPak Cloud and PolicyPak Device Manager real soon. Thanks.



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