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05: How does PolicyPak support (and not support) Windows 7?

First, Windows 7, Server 2008 R2, Windows 8 and Server 2012 R2 are not supported by Microsoft and not supported with PolicyPak installed. 

PolicyPak only supports versions of the operating system which are actively supported by Microsoft.  This is covered in this faq:

That being said, PolicyPak and unsupported operating systems are BEST EFFORT.

However, the final build we produced that is expected to install (at all) on unsupported operating systems is 23.8.

Additionally PolicyPak requires drivers which are signed and work only with Windows 10 and later. As such, the following features are EXPECTED to be non-functional even if the CSE installs properly on unsupported operating systems:

  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager : Block DLLs
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager: Open/Save Dialog with Low User Rights
  • PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager: COM Elevation
  • PolicyPak Device Manager: All of it.

There could be more pieces which are expected not to work in PolicyPak, but these are the known items.

Note for best functionality you should add some additional Microsoft .Net software.

There are basically two major versions of .Net CLR: v2 and v4.

  • The latest version of v2 is 3.5.
  • The latest of v4 is 4.8

It is recommended to have both installed (3.5 + 4.8).

Note there is never any reason to install outdated versions of .Net, so we recommend clients continue to have the most recent .NET installed with all security updates, and keep installing and updated all the time.

More details about .Net framework versions can be found here:

  • 1191
  • 24-Aug-2023