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01: Which variables can I use in the Browser Router Advanced Blocking Message?

A customer blocking message is optional. If you don’t make any changes the default will look like this:

However, you can change the default PolicyPak Browser Router Block policy and use variables we supply.

The advanced block message must support both the environment variables for the current user and the context variables listed below:

  4. %DATE%
  5. %DATE_UTC%
  6. %GPO_ID%
  7. %GPO_NAME%
  8. %POLICY_ID%
  10. %TIME%
  11. %TIME_UTC%

The popup title must be set to "Notification" and the caption text must be set to "The site is blocked by a corporate policy".

Side note, here is the code used for the default Advanced block message. You’re welcome to use this as a template to change and make your own.

The website is blocked due to a corporate policy.

Policy: %POLICY_NAME% ({%POLICY_ID%}).


GPO: %GPO_NAME% % ({%GPO_ID%}).

Please contact your administrator to get more information.

  • 1245
  • 14-Mar-2023