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01: How to add Devices by serial number when serial numbers contain extra characters in the device instance path


Some devices have trailing extra characters such as &000000 in their serial number under Device instance path, when copying these instance paths and using them in the MMC the serial numbers are not correctly applied in the MMC console view.

For Example:

When adding the serial number above “as is” the result is an incorrect value for Serial number as in the screenshot below, where the serial number shows as “0”.


Since the correct serial number is present in the Device Instance Path all you need to do is to remove any extra trailing characters; in this particular case we removed “&000000” from the end of the string and then we were left with a device instance path that would now work properly in the MMC console, see below.



We now have an entry in the MMC for the device with the correct Serial Number.

And now the Device Manager policy works as expected:

  • 1279
  • 25-Jul-2023