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Home > 130: Getting Started with Cloud > Knowledge Base > 03: Cloud Licensing > 01: How is PolicyPak Cloud usage counted and calculated toward my True-Up?
01: How is PolicyPak Cloud usage counted and calculated toward my True-Up?
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If you have chosen the PolicyPak Enterprise or PolicyPak Enterprise editions, which comes with entitlement to use PolicyPak Cloud, then PolicyPak Cloud entitles you to “Yearly Post-Pay Licensing.”

As such, you may install the PolicyPak Cloud client on as many computers as you wish.

During every month, each day we count number of computers CONSUMED and produce an AVERAGE across that billing cycle.

Every month will have a “highest number of computers” used on any specific day. The HIGHEST number is used as the “MONTHLY highest number.”

Then, for each month in your year, all the “Monthly highest numbers” are added together, then averaged over 12 months.

You will then “True up” your usage for PolicyPak Cloud.

You will also “True up” your usage (if any) for any PolicyPak use with Active Directory, SCCM, or MDM.

Here’s an example showing only three months:

  • You start with PolicyPak Cloud Enterprise Edition on April 15th.
  • April:

– On April 15 you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 100 computers, and have thus consumed 100 licenses on Day 1.

– On April 20 you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 200 more computers and have consumed 300 licenses total.

– On April 25 you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 500 more computers and have consumed 800 licenses total.

– On April 30 you UN-install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 100 computers, making your consumption 700 licenses total.

Your Monthly Highest number for April is 800.


  • May

– On May 1 you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 300 more computers, and have thus consumed 1000 licenses total.

– On May 20 you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 200 more computers and have consumed 1200 licenses total.

– On May 25 you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 500 more computers and have consumed 1700 licenses total.

– On May 30 you UN-install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 300 computers, making your consumption 1500 licenses total.

Your Monthly Highest number for May is 1700.


  • June

– On June 1 you UN-install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 1000 computers, reducing your license count to 700.

– In the remainder of June you neither consumed nor reduced your license usage.

Your Monthly Highest number for June is 700.


Then, assuming the “Monthly Highest Numbers” for each month was something like:

– April: 800

– May: 1700

– June: 700

– July: 1000

– August: 1200

– September: 900

– October: 1000

– November: 1500

– December: 1500

– January: 1000

– February: 800

– March: 900

Your Average among the “Monthly Highest Number” would be: 1083.

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