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30: The CSE auto-updater feature appears to not be working. What can I do?
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The auto-update feature is described in Appendix A of the PolicyPak Application Manager guide.

There are some known bugs and workarounds with the auto-updater feature depending on what build you already have “out there” on client machines already deployed.

In all cases, the goal is to get your endpoints to CSE build 721 or later.

To do this…

If you have CSE builds 605-703.. the goal is to get to CSE build 721 or later. To do this…

  • Download the PolicyPak bits (721 or later) and locate the file named “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x86.MSI” and “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi”.
  • Copy / rename these files to the names that these build will recognize. These builds can only upgrade when they see the name they know, which is “PolicyPak CSE Setup x64.MSI” and ” PolicyPak CSE Setup x86.msi”.
  • Place the now-renamed 721-or-later CSE and put in default SYSVOL location ( \sysvolsysvol<domain name>policiesPolicyPakCSE)
  • This should “fool” the build 605-703 CSEs to picking up the 712 (or later) CSE.

If you have 704-711… the goal is to get to CSE build 721 or later. To do this…

  • Download the PolicyPak bits (721 or later) and locate the file named “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x86.MSI” and “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi”.
  • Copy / rename these files to the names that these build will recognize which is “PolicyPak Application Manager CSE x86.msi” and “PolicyPak Application Manager CSE x64.msi”
  • You must still use the default SYSVOL location ( \sysvolsysvol<domain name>policiesPolicyPakCSE)
  • This should “fool” the build 704-708 CSEs to picking up the 712 (or later) CSE.

If you have build 712 … the goal is to get to CSE build 721 or later. To do this…
(Option 1: Rename the files and use the default update location in SYSVOL)

  • Download the PolicyPak bits (721 or later) and locate the file named “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x86.MSI” and “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi”.
  • Copy / rename these files to the names that these build will recognize which is “PolicyPak Application Manager CSE x86.msi” and “PolicyPak Application Manager CSE x64.msi”
  • File placement: After renaming the file, you must put these renamed files in default SYSVOL location ( \sysvolsysvol<domain name>policiesPolicyPakCSE)

(Option 2: Use the update.config file and specify the precise filename to use)

  • Download the PolicyPak bits (721 or later) and locate the file named “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x86.MSI” and “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi”.
  • Don’t rename the files.
  • Place them anywhere you like.
  • Use the update.config file and specify the precise filename to use (See example below)

Final thoughts:

  • Once your clients are at build 721 and later, the auto-updater is then looking for files files named “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x86.MSI” and “PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi”.

–updates.config example for build 712 and later seen below–

An example update.config file (Again, More in Appendix A of the PolicyPak Quickstart and User Guide) would take the form of this to upgrade using a precise file name:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






<CSE32FileName>PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x86.MSI</CSE32FileName>

<CSE64FileName>PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi</CSE64FileName>




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