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01: How do I deploy the PolicyPak CSE via SCCM (or other systems management system) ?

There is nothing special at all about using SCCM to deploy the PolicyPak CSE. It will honor a silent install and will not require or request a reboot.

Examples of typical silent command lines to run are below:

  • To install PolicyPak CSE quietly with no UI:
    msiexec /i “C:\Temp\PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi” /qn
  • To install PolicyPak CSE quietly with no UI and no restart:
    msiexec /i “C:\Temp\PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi” /qn /norestart

More info on MSIEXEC command line switches can be found here:

The only caveats are around PolicyPak Browser Router:

  1. A reboot is first required for PolicyPak Browser Router to function 100%.
  2. Internet Explorer should be closed when deploying the PolicyPak CSE to avoid questions of IE during installation. A script to help with that is found here.
  • 217
  • 09-Mar-2021