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Home > 110: All Things Licensing > Knowledge Base > 08: Licensing Troubleshooting and Un-Licensing: Active Directory (GPO and SCCM) > 02: My organization doesn't permit me to run the LT (PolicyPak Licensing Tool) or provide the XML information it produces. What are my other options?
02: My organization doesn't permit me to run the LT (PolicyPak Licensing Tool) or provide the XML information it produces. What are my other options?
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Before reading the full answer to this question, please start by reading this FAQ question and see if that allays your concerns:

In short.. we don’t collect anything “interesting” at all. Just the count of computers and the “where” they want to use it. The IDEAL scenario is for you to re-consider and re-run the LT utility.

If AFTER reading that technote, you still don’t wish to run LT and provide the XML output, then here is the only alternative:

  1. Run these two PowerShell commands to get the “count” of computers in AD as seen here. Send us a screenshot. This is the number we will charge you for because it assumes all computers in the whole domain. Again: If you were to use our PolicyPak On-Prem Licensing tool, you would be able to specify specific OUs and reduce this number. But if you are unable to use LT, there is a consequence: We MUST assume the whole domain and therefore assume all computers in it are to be licensed. We can UN-count computers which are TRIAL, Non-Windows, and Disabled. To provide the count using Powershell:
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    Get-ADComputer -filter {(enabled -eq 'True') -and (name -notlike '*computer*') -and (OperatingSystem -like 'windows*')} | measure

    (Must be typed / copied / pasted on one line, or grab it from here)



  2. As you can see, this Powershell command simply report back the same count that LT would report if you were using it.

    If you wanted to see how many computers were in a specific OU, you would modify the line above. Assuming your domain was named, and you had a top level OU names Sales and sub-OU West Sales, you would run the following command to see how many computers are in there (minus TRIAL, Non-Windows, and Disabled.)

    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'OU=West Sales,OU=Sales,DC=fabrikam,DC=com' -Filter {(enabled -eq 'True') -and (name -notlike '*computer*') -and (OperatingSystem -like 'windows*')} | measure

    (Must be typed / copied / pasted on one line, or grab it from here)

    Example PowerShell output:


  1. Run this additional PowerShell command (cut and paste)


    It will then produce the output of the domain name, which we absolutely need to make you a license key. Without this, we cannot cut you a key.


So, to recap:

  1. If you use our PolicyPak On-Prem Licensing tool (LT), we collect only information about “where you want to use it” and “how much you want to use it.” We do not collect usernames, computer names, passwords or anything else. Again, refer to this article.
  2. If you are unable to use our LT, that’s fine. The alternative is to use these PowerShell commands which gives us the MINIMUM we need to know:
    • Number of computers in the domain (which we must charge you for all of them.)
    • FQDN of the domain (this is how we cut keys so they cannot be shared or tampered.)
    • Since we don’t know the names of the OUs, we are then required to charge you for ALL of the domain, even if you don’t plan to use it in all places.
    • Note: We still cannot get “Number of Terminal Services connections” (if any) via the Powershell method. So as per the EULA, you must manually state if you plan to use PolicyPak upon Terminal Services sessions and *ADD* that number to the computer count.
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