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02: A ThinApp throws an “Exception Error”. What can I do to fix it?

If you encounter the following error (or something like it) when launching a ThinApp packaged application, there is a workaround.

You can fully isolate PolicyPak from trying to manage a specific ThinApp application, thus working around the exception error.

To do this, you’ll need to re-package your application. However, before you click to make it a package, first create a folder in the Thin App Package to the location of where the CSE exists.

So %ProgramFilesDir%PolicyPakApplication ManagerClient then add a new file named ATTRIBUTES.INI and set the file to:


What this does is exclude the PolicyPak CSE files from interacting with the ThinApp application EXE.

Again: This prevents PolicyPak from managing that application, but, works around any Exception Errors on launch.

  • 386
  • 11-Nov-2019