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Home > 515: Application Manager > Knowledge Base > 06: Troubleshooting > 02: I just upgraded my management station to 785. My LOCAL AppSets are now missing. What happened?
02: I just upgraded my management station to 785. My LOCAL AppSets are now missing. What happened?
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While Upgrading from a build prior to 785 all AppSets stored in Local Storage for PolicyPak Extension could be deleted.

This will happen if:

  1. You are Upgrading to Admin-Console 785 or later from any previous build
  2. You are storing DLL extensions locally at following location c:\Program Files (x86)\PolicyPak\Extensions folder (on 64-bit machines)
    c:\Program Files\PolicyPak\Extensions (on 32-bit machines)

If both conditions are true the DLL extensions stored at the location mentioned above may get deleted and you will see the error below.


To Workaround:

  1. Back up the contents of the above-mentioned location before Upgrading to 785 and place back after the upgrade
  2. Simply re-place missing AppSets back in to the storage location; or better yet, use the CENTRAL STORE or SHARED STORE method. See this video.

NOTE: This issue is fixed for any upgrade FROM 785 onwards, but it’s not possible to fix “retroactively” as you upgrade to 785.

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