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01: PolicyPak Cloud Reporting Demo
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Learn how to find out what XML files your non-domain joined machines are receiving by using the Reporting tab of the PolicyPak Cloud portal.


PolicyPak Cloud Reporting Demo

Hi. This is Whitney with PolicyPak Software. In this video, I’m going to show you how you can find out what XML files your endpoints are receiving.

You start by logging in to the PolicyPak Cloud portal, and then you’re going to run over to the “Reports” tab here. It starts you off in the “Computers (Status)” portion here. This shows you how many computers have received the licenses, what their “Status” is, and when their “Last Check In” was. I have a fairly small test environment so I’m only showing one machine, but that’s how many machines I should have.

The next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to look over at “Policy Reports (XML Delivery).” This is where you’re going to find out what XML is being delivered to which endpoints. I’ve already created a few reports as means of a demonstration. What you’re going to do is you’re going to start by selecting “Add Report.” You want to “select computer group for which you’d like to add XML data files delivery report,” so if you want “Company One,” “East Marketing,” whatever your company group structure happens to be.

I’ll start by doing “All.” I want to know what all of my machines are getting. So I’m going to click “Next.” There are a few options here, but we recommend that you “Select all XML data files linked to this folder and all parent folders.” Then we’re going to click “Next.” We’re going to call this “All Demo,” “Finish,” and now here we have it right here.

This is “All Demo,” and we’re going to “Run Report.” Now what this is going to show is what my computers that are in the All group are going to get. We see that we’re receiving this “WinZip” XML, we see that we’re receiving the “PolicyPak Administrative Templates Manager” one and the “PolicyPak Security Manager” one.

Now we’re seeing that we’re receiving an “Older Version” (yellow text). If we were receiving the current version, this would be green, and if it wasn’t receiving it, you’d see some red text. For example, if you look over here, this is an example of what it looks like if you have more machines and some of them are not receiving the XML directive.

You see that these computers are not receiving any of this particular XML directive called “Nested Stuff.” None of them are receiving it. However, “Prohibit Disabled” is being received by these four or five computers as the correct current version, some of them are receiving an older version, and some of them are not receiving it at all.

This is how you’re going to go about finding out which machines are receiving what directives. I hope that helps you out.

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