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01: Use with on-prem Group Policy
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PolicyPak Scripts Manager goes beyond in-box Group Policy and enables you to deliver settings MORE than once, use any language you want, and eliminate Group Policy loopback so you can apply scripts to all users on the machine.


PolicyPak Scripts-Use with on-prem Group Policy

Hi. This is Jeremy Moskowitz, former Group Policy MVP and Founder of PolicyPak Software. In this video, you can learn all about PolicyPak Scripts Manager with using Group Policy. Now if you have PolicyPak Cloud or PolicyPak with your MDM service, there will be other videos for that. This one is just about using PolicyPak Scripts Manager with Group Policy.

As a former Group Policy MVP, I’m a huge fan of the stuff Microsoft provides. There are a billion things you can do in “Administrative Templates” and “Preferences,” but sometimes every once in a while there’s going to be something you can’t do with either the Microsoft stuff or with our stuff, with PolicyPak. In those cases, you may need to script it, so that’s why we’ve created PolicyPak Scripts Manager.

Scripts Manager exists on both the computer side and the user side, and I’m going to show you both in this video. The first one I’m going to show you is on the user side, “Scripts Manager.” We’re going to right click, “Add,” either a “New Collection” or a “New Policy.” I’m going to start off with just a “New Policy.” A “New Collection” just holds multiple policies.

This is why it’s so great and it stands head and shoulders above what Microsoft provides. The first thing is that Microsoft scripts can only work at startup, shutdown, log on and log off. Ours can run at multiple times. I’m going to show you that right now.

You can also run pretty much any script type that matters, for instance, a “PowerShell” script. I have one that’s going to create a shortcut. I know you can create a shortcut with Group Policy Preferences, but I’m doing it here just as an example so you can see a script run and see that it’s “PowerShell.”

When this GPO applies to the user, it’s going to run this PowerShell script. Here’s the other best part. When the GPO no longer applies, you can run this other script. So you get a script when you get the GPO, and this is a script you get when you don’t get the GPO. So the first script creates a shortcut, and this script will remove a shortcut. So in this way, you can put what happens on the positive action and what happens on the negative action, “On apply action” and “On revert action.”

Then you can dictate when the script is going to kick in. The default is “Always,” which is every time Group Policy processes. So every time you log on and always in the background with background Group Policy. You can make it run “Once” and never again, or you can make it run “Once or when forced” and it will only “Run the script when gpupdate/ force or (our command) ppupdate/ force runs.” I’m going to do it “Always.”

I’ll go ahead and click “Next” and give it a name, like “User side script policy.” Then here’s the other best part. This whole thing can be wrapped around inside “Item Level Targeting.” You can say only do this script ON and OFF when these conditions are true. It will evaluate the condition and do the ON script when it’s true and run the OFF script when it isn’t true.

For instance, if you wanted to run this script when you’re on this “IP Address Range” and then run the revert script when you’re not on this “IP Address Range,” you could do that. You could say only do this thing when you’re on a laptop (“Portable Computer”), or you could say only do it when a person is in a particular “Security Group” and lots of other conditions as well.

I’m not going to do that here, but it’s fantastic and you get the general gist there. I’ll go ahead and click “Finish.” With that in mind, let’s run over to our endpoint machine here. We can go ahead and run GP Update (“gpupdate”), and you’re looking for a shortcut to appear here not through Group Policy Preferences but through PolicyPak Scripts which is going to use PowerShell. There you go. It happens in real time just like that.

While this is still cooking, let’s go back to our management station and let’s make the script fall out of scope. I’m going to right click and “Delete” the GPO link so the GPO doesn’t apply anymore to our “East Sales Users.” When that happens and then they run GP Update (“gpupdate”) or log on, watch the icon right here. We have a remove script that’s going to know that that takes effect and runs the remove script at that point just like that.

If that wasn’t awesome enough, PolicyPak Scripts has even more superpowers. This is where it happens on the computer side. Let’s go to our “East Sales Desktops” here and we’ll “Create a GPO in this domain, and link it here” called “PP SCRIPTS COMPUTER SIDE.”

Now in “PP SCRIPTS COMPUTER SIDE,” you have two amazing superpowers. We’ll go here and go to the computer side, “PolicyPak/Scripts Manager.” You can right click, “Add/New Policy” script. You have two choices. One is do a system like thing: “Apply this policy to computer.” This applies the policy to the whole computer at large. Like if you wanted to wipe out a folder or kick off a process or do something on the system, you could do that here.

But my favorite is this guy right here: “Apply this policy to all users who log on to the computer (switched mode).” So instead of having to worry and think and wrack your brains about how loopback is going to work and which settings are going to be involved there, no problem. We’re going to just drop a script in and all users who log on to this computer are going to get it just like that.

We’ll go ahead and run the “PowerShell” apply script here. We’re going to “Run script as user” because otherwise we wouldn’t see the shortcut being created. We’ll go ahead and copy that and put the script in there just like that. When it no longer applies, we’re going to run another “PowerShell script.” Again, we’ll “Run script as user,” and we will run the remove command at that point.

We can run it “Always,” “Once” or “Once or when forced” with “gpupdate/ force or ppupdate/ force.” I’m going to go ahead and run it “Always” here. We can call this “PP Scripts Computer side.” You can also do “Item Level Targeting” and – wait for it – here’s the best part. You can say do this script for all users on the computer except and rather limit based upon who’s in a “Security Group.” So not necessarily everybody on the computer like if it’s a terminal server. You can make it say only these particular users when they’re on this computer, which is amazing. That is a humongous superpower.

With that in mind, I’m ready to go. Let me go over to my endpoint here. Now I’m ready to run GP Update (“gpupdate”). Watch right here. You’re going to see the exact same thing we saw on the first part of the video, but this time the script is hitting the computer and each user who logs on to that computer. That’s the amazing part.

Just to prove a point, I’ll go ahead and “Sign out” here and log on as a guy that has never logged on before. I’ll go ahead and log on as a guy “eastsalesuser8.” I don’t know. This guy has probably never logged on before. Let’s wait for the profile to be generated, and the first time the guy logs on he gets the script. If it no longer applies, the script will peel back just like that.

PolicyPak Scripts, new component, it’s fantastic and ready for you to use right now.

Thanks so much for watching. If you’re using PolicyPak Cloud or PolicyPak with your MDM service, we have other videos to show you how that works.

Thanks so very much and talk to you soon.

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