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Home > 410: Scripts & Triggers Manager > Video Learning Center > 04: Triggers Specific Examples > 05: PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers: Perform Scripts on VPN Connect and VPN Disconnect
05: PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers: Perform Scripts on VPN Connect and VPN Disconnect
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Want to map a drive or perform any other login script when you connect via VPN? Easy. Use PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers with this awesome way to handle this problem.



Hi, this is Jeremy Moskowitz, and in this video, I’m going to show you how you can use PolicyPak Scripts and Triggers to map a drive or do any kind of log on script thing you want after you connect through VPN, and you can do another kind of action like unmap network drives or do any other kind of script when you disconnect from VPN. Before you get started, you should have your script ready to go. I don’t have anything interesting over on my VPN itself, so I’m going to do some stuff locally, but this should give you the idea. For instance, when I connect to VPN, wouldn’t it be amazing when I create a file called echo aaa to a file C:\temp\a.txt. Look at that, I’ve created a file. Then when I’m disconnecting from the VPN, I want to delete C:\temp\a.txt.


These are my two commands. This is going to be my on connect script, and then my other one will be my disconnect script, so I’m going to go ahead and copy that. Time to go over to group policy land or you can do this in PolicyPak MDM land, or you can do this in PolicyPak Cloud land. What we’ll do is we’ll go to PP VPN 123, so we’ll go ahead and create this group policy object here with the Editors, and you can do this on the user or the computer side. I’m going to dive down under PolicyPak on the user side here for this example. Then I’m going to go to Scripts Manager, and I’m going to plunk in that script.


Add a New Policy here and this policy is going to be a Batch script. If you want to do PowerShell or one of the other script types, that’s totally fine. You can run the script – this script will be running fine as the user. If you want to run it as system, you can do that. If you need it to run with a user with elevated rights, we can do that too. You’re off to the races. That’s going to be our connect script.


We don’t need a revert action. What we need is a trigger that say at VPN connect – at VPN connect for any server at all or if you want to specify a server you can do that – * is usually sufficient for most people. Boom. You’re done. On VPN connect, go ahead and make that file happen or map that drive or anything else you wanted to do. The next thing we want to do is our disconnect script, so we’ll go ahead and make a Batch script. Like I said, very simple script. We’re just going to delete that file after we disconnect, so I’ll just paste that in here. Bing, bang, bing. Click Next, and no revert action. We want to make it a trigger. That trigger is going to be on VPN disconnect, and then we will once again say on any server disconnected, and then we’re off to the races.


That’s all there is to it. I’m going to run gpupdate and get my policy here ,and then the next time I connect to my VPN server, I’ll show you that – I’ll delete the file first. It is deleted. Then we’ll show you at connection, we’ll create the file, and at disconnect, we will automatically remove the file. Let’s go ahead and check that out. Just to prove we’re not pulling a fast one on you here, nothing in the temp folder. Here’s my VPN connection. PolicyPak trigger will kick in after the VPN connection is completed, and we’ll watch that file get created in real time. Again, if this was map a drive, run a whole log on script, do anything you want, that’s totally fine. I’m just keeping it simple. There’s my file. All automatic. It did the thing.


Now when it’s time to disconnect – let me go ahead and disconnect here – we have that second trigger, which says on VPN disconnect, what are we going to do? Take another directory here and bang, delete the file. Just like that using PolicyPak Scripts and Triggers, you can do any kind of scripty thing you want on a VPN connection and also a VPN disconnection. Hope this video helps you out. Looking forward to getting you started with PolicyPak real soon. Thank you very much.

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