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10: Least Privilege Manager: Block All Unsigned with SecureRun

Unsigned apps? Bah. If they're not signed, make sure they don't run. Use one checkbox and PolicyPak SecureRun makes it happen.

Hi, this is Jeremy Moskowitz, and in this video, we’re going to talk about an increased security feature to PolicyPak SecureRun. In other videos, you saw me turn on PolicyPak SecureRun, which will automatically block items that are unknown of origin, so for instance, when a standard user tries to download something off the internet and double click it, we’re going to block that. Same thing with a random PowerShell script or Java malware or any kind of thing at all, we’re going to make sure that PolicyPak to the rescue. We’re going to make sure that’s all preserved.

However, we did have one case that we wanted to shore up, which is where – here’s an example. I’ve got this version of CamPlay that the user downloaded, and I have this version of CamPlay that the admin downloaded. Hey, look at that. That runs. What we didn’t have and we do now is this ability to – I’ll show you here in SecureRun – this ability to block all unsigned. What does block all unsigned do? That application is not digitally signed, so now that I’ve blocked all unsigned, this application, because it’s not digitally signed, will also automatically blocked even though the admin placed it there. This is an extra security preventative measure so that way nothing that is not digitally signed will make it through. Everything is automatically blocked. Now we’ll double click it and bang.

What if you needed to get by that? That’s fine. You just create a rule to bypass that. This is CamPlay-Admin-Owned, so I’m going to just take a look at the filename and just make sure I’ve got it straight. CamPlay-Admin-Owned. What I will do is I will create a rule – in this particular case not a very secure rule. It’s just for an example here. I can create a new executable policy to just let that particular file through. I’m going to make a Path rule. Again, not generally advised, but it’s okay for this example here, and I’ll Add a new file, and I’ll just say hey, look, if it’s called CamPlay-Admin-Owned – and you can put it in a folder and so on – then go ahead and let it run. Whoops, I’m going to do *.exe there. If you’ve got that name, then let it run.

We’ll not run with elevated privileges, just Allow and log it, so it’s going to be automatically blocked because we have the SecureRun enabled plus block all unsigned, but we’re now going to let it through the doggy door because we have a rule here. I’ll go ahead and run gpupdate. Give this a quick second to finish up. Okay, now that this is done, we’re now saying go ahead, let this version of CamPlay, the one that we specifically specify, either in a folder, maybe it’s in a server in a share over there – even though it’s admin owned and not digitally signed, let’s go ahead and let that run through anyway, but this version is also going to just be blocked. Okay, so in this way, you’ve got your bases covered. Nice new feature helping make your world even more secure than it was before that. Hope this helps you out. Looking forward to getting you started with PolicyPak real soon.

  • 976
  • 19-May-2021