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05: Group Policy MMC UI-Changes for 2020
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See how PolicyPak installs into Group Policy, backs up and restores with Group Policy, works with GP Reporting and more !



Hi, this is Jeremy Moskowitz. In this video I’m going to show you how you can change the view inside the group policy editor with regards to PolicyPak. If you’re watching this video, chances are you’ve got to this place. You went to PolicyPak and you’re like oh, my gosh. It looks different than the last couple years the way it worked. That’s right.


We try to make things a little more descriptive now. The idea is that we’ve grouped together categories or packs, as we’re going to call them, things that you can do together. For instance, if you want to group together the fact that apps, browsers, and Java are together and Windows 10 Management is together and so on, you can see we’ve got your individual components all kind of tucked away nicely.


If you don’t like this view or you want to change it back, it’s really easy. There’s a little bit of a trick. You have to – and I’m going to go over this slowly – left click on the word PolicyPak, wait a half a second, then right click, and now you’ve got these two little extra items. One is called Group Snap-Ins and one is called Sort Snap-Ins.


Let me show you that one more time. You can’t just right click. No, that doesn’t work. You have to left click first. Then right click and then you’re off to the races. Left click first, then right click.


Then you can ungroup the Snap-Ins if you want to just like that. If you want the original view, left click, then right click. You can then unsort. Then look at that. You’re back to the way that it was before.


You might want it to be ungrouped and sorted, which is to say alphabetic. This way you can sort of see everything all at once and it’s nice and alphabetized. You don’t have to have the groupings. If you want to add the groupings back in, go ahead. Add the groupings back in.


We will save whatever state you want. If you want it, say, ungrouped but sorted by way of example, ungrouped but sorted, that’s great. We will save the state. Next time you go into any group policy object at all, we will remember that state.


If we go back to user side, PolicyPak, boom, there we go. It’s ungrouped and sorted. This other side will also be the same way. These two things come together, left click, then right click. Then you can Group. You can see that these two on the computer side and user side come together. I hope this new grouping together feature helps you out. I’m looking forward to getting you started real soon with PolicyPak. Thanks.



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