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Home > 330: Least Privilege Manager > Knowledge Base > 03: Tips (Specific Workaround for Apps and Scenarios): > 01: How to create an LPM Policy for (SynTPEnh.exe) Synaptics Pointing Device Driver
01: How to create an LPM Policy for (SynTPEnh.exe) Synaptics Pointing Device Driver
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Problem: The application “Synaptics Pointing Device Driver” (SynTPEnh.exe) is reported by the Global Settings (Audit) policy in the PolicyPak Event log as needing elevation.

SynTPEnh.exe does not actually need to be elevated but since it is considered a driver it is assumed to require elevation. 

To workaround this issue you should use “Allow and log” instead of “Run with elevated privileges” when creating a Least Privilege Manager rule for this application to pass safely through SecureRun.

Note: This policy (SYNAPTICS-Allow-AND-log.xml ) is provided in the PolicyPak Guidance download, and can be found in the extracted contents under the “PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager XMLs “ folder.

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