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Home > 110: All Things Licensing > Knowledge Base > 02: Licensing FAQ and Troubleshooting: PolicyPak Cloud > 04: How exactly does monthly billing with PolicyPak SaaS Edition work?
04: How exactly does monthly billing with PolicyPak SaaS Edition work?
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PolicyPak SaaS Monthly billing enables you to only be charged for exactly what you use, per month.  Therefore, you may install the PolicyPak Cloud client on as many computers as you wish and you are charged accordingly.  All customers are billed on the FINAL DAY of the month (So for example, January 31st, Feb 28th and so on.)

During the month, each day we automatically count number of computers CONSUMED (that is, where you've installed the PolicyPak Cloud client.) Then at the end of the month, we charge on the HIGHEST number of computers used within the month instead, automatically.  This is billed to your credit card.

You are required to have two credit cards on file to ensure uninterrupted service.

For NEW CUSTOMERS: Note that the FIRST MONTH for NEW CUSTOMERS is a little unusual because you will be billed TWICE in that first month. Then GOING FORWARD in months TWO and ONWARD, you will be billed ONCE A MONTH on the FINAL day of the month.

For EXISTING LEGACY CUSTOMERS who TRANSITIONED to SaaS Monthly billing: Please skip month 1 in the example and head straight to Month 2, as you will be billed for your usage at the end of the month.

Three MONTH Example staring with Month 1 as April "mid month" as new service start date:


  • You start with PolicyPak SaaS Edition on April 15th.
  • On April 15 you are billed immediately for the minimum use of PolicyPak SaaS which is 50 computers. However, since this is mid-month, you are billed a PRO-rated amount for the initial 50 computers from April 15 to April 30.
  • On April 20th, you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 10 more computers making your consumption 60.
  • On April 29th, you manually retire 1 computer, making your consumption 59.
  • On April 30th (the final day of April) the highest number of computers used in the month is 60.
  • Your Monthly Highest number for April is 60.
  • We will automatically bill you for April for the 10 extra licenses you used BEYOND your pro-rated 50.


  • In May you make no changes... maintaining 59 licenses in use.
  • Your Monthly Highest number for May is 59.
  • We will automatically bill you May 31st for 59 licenses you used in May.


  • On June 10th you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client MSI on 141 computers, bringing your consumption to 200 computers.
  • On June 11th you retire 50 computers, lowering your consumption to 150.
  • On June 30th you install the PolicyPak Cloud Client on 100 computers, bringing your consumption to 250.
  • We will automatically bill you June 30th for 250 licenses you used in June.


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