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25: How to fix the Chrome / Edge Chromium launch issues?
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You might discover one or more computers will not correctly launch Chrome or Edge.

PolicyPak was required to update the PolicyPak Browser Router extension in the Google Chrome store from V2 to V2 Manifests.  MV2 support timeline is ending on June 2022. This document has more information:

After we updated and republished the PPBR chromium extension with V3 manifests, some customers reported that PolicyPak Browser Router would stop routing after Chrome or Edge was opened (and left opened) for 5 – 10 minutes. The reason for this error is a known Chromium API bug reproducible for MV3 extensions. Check the following discussion: The MV3 support for the Browser Router extension will be rescheduled as soon as the Chromium bug is fixed. 

Therefore, due to the Chromium timeout bug with v3 manifests, we rolled back to the V2 manifest version.

In doing so, a Chrome / Edge bug itself may not be able to compensate for the switch back to V2 manifests from the V3 manifests already in the Chrome / Edge profiles. Sometimes, the V3 extension is not removed correctly and you’ll see both V2 and V3 manifests at the same time; causing Chrome / Edge crash during startup.

Resolution is reasonably straightforward: Chrome and Edge shouldn’t have both manifests at the same time. For now, affected machines need removal of the MV3 extension. 

A quick fix for the Chrome/Edge launch issue is reinstalling the PolicyPak Cloud Client and /or CSE. However, following workaround should work as well.

  1. Remove the directory fmbfiodledfjldlhiemaadmgppoeklbn from %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\
  2. Remove the directory fmbfiodledfjldlhiemaadmgppoeklbn from %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\
  3. Logoff and Re-logon to the client machine. (A true logoff and log on is required.)

Here is a PowerShell script that can be used with PolicyPak Scripts Manager which goes into the Chrome or Edge folder and deletes all the details for the extension.

PowerShell Scripts for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium:

Google Chrome:

Microsoft Edge:

Deploy these PowerShell scripts using PolicyPak Scripts Manager:

These are the locations and directories of the PolicyPak Browser Router Extension that will be removed when PS script is deployed with PP Scripts Manager.

  1. BR Extension folder location.

  2. Create a User-side PP Scripts Manager policy. Use the Google Chrome PS script from PS Scripts section.

  3. Create a User-side PP Scripts Manager policy. Use the Microsoft Edge PS script from PS Scripts section.

  4. At next GPUPDATE or when /FORCE switch is used the respective folders for the extension will be removed.
  5. At next logon and Chrome or Edge restart, the PolicyPak Browser Router extension with the single (correct) manifest will return.
  6. Verify the PolicyPak Browser Router extension of each Browser as shown below.

    Microsoft Edge:

    Google Chrome:

Use this PolicyPak Scripts Manager policy to mass deploy for any future issues.

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