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06: Changing a portal users information

Profile updates - other than email

If a user needs to change their profile info, that can be accomplished from the Your Profile tab at the top of the portal page.  For email address updates, see the next section.

Updating Portal e-mail addresses

If the user designated as Primary needs to change their email address, they will need to open a support ticket ( and submit the request.

The Primary has the ability to change the email address for all other users in the portal.  Here's how...

Log in to the portal as the Primary and navigate to the Contacts tab.  Locate the contact whose email address you wish to change and click Edit.


update the email address and click Save...

Once the Contacts page refreshes you'll notice the email status of the contact you updated has changed to Get verified.  In order to initiate the verification process click here and acknowledge.

Afterwards the contact will receive an email at the new address where they can click to confirm the email address.  

  • 1248
  • 01-Apr-2024