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Home > 110: All Things Licensing > Knowledge Base > 07: Licensing Troubleshooting: All Methods > 02: I have a pop-up saying "License expires soon" or "Licenses expire in X days" when editing a GPO. What do I do?
02: I have a pop-up saying "License expires soon" or "Licenses expire in X days" when editing a GPO. What do I do?
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Once a new license key has been imported to existing On-Prem environment, you may notice a pop-up message in your GPMC console mentioning your old license key is getting expired soon.

One or more similar messages may appear in MMC/GPMC when editing a GPO.

As example, this can occur if you have two license GPOs in your domain.

For instance, two license GPOs are linked with the following expiration dates:

GPO 1: Expires March 1, 2023
GPO 2: Expires March 1, 2024

Note: The rest of this KB is generally around your GPMC editing machine and the pop-ups within the GPMC. If you’re getting client-side pop-ups, please refer to this article:  

Resolution for the Admin’s GPMC editing station:

Tip: You can use the LT tool to search through and find OLD licenses so you can be sure you only have one license remaining.

Now, on your machine, the one with the GPMC…

  • Run GPupdate /force to flush out old licenses that were being delivered to your GPMC management station
  • Close the GPMC, then reopen the GPMC.
  • Try editing a GPO in GPMC, does the error message reappear
  • If popups are gone, you are all done.

If you still get pop-up messages and the messages reference the registry, you should check under the following registry keys on your GPMC management station for any old information relating to the old license.

  • License info held in Registry in the following locations (HKLM)
    SOFTWARE\Policies\PolicyPak\License Policies\
    SOFTWARE\PolicyPak\License Policies\
  • If any old info is found, then export those registry keys just in case they need to be readded back for some reason.
  • Then once the registry keys are backed up safely to reg files somewhere you can safely delete any registry keys with old PolicyPak license info.
  • Afterward, reopen GPMC and try editing a GPO again, does the message appear? If not, you are done. If yes, then open a support ticket for further assistance.
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