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10: How do I elevate .MSP files such as Adobe Acrobat updates?
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This article explains how to elevate .MSP installation files in general. We will use Adobe update files as a reference.

Installation files with .msp file extension for Adobe updates are being executed via msiexec.exe process.

Process is being created (2023/11/27, 12:12:23.586, PID: 6540, TID: 10096)
  Serial #: 9668
  Process ID: 11760
  Parent Process ID: 11560
  Internal Image File Name: \??\C:\windows\System32\msiexec.exe
  Command Line: "C:\windows\System32\msiexec.exe" /p "C:\Users\Your_User\Downloads\AcrobatDCx64Upd2300620320(1).msp"
  User SID: S-1-5-21-********-********-*********
  User Session: 4
  Integrity: Medium
  Process Type: User

  Image File Name: C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe

As example, this is how executable rule should look like - you should have PATH condition and COMMAND-LINE arguments:


To achieve this result, please create a combo executable LPM rule for msiexec.exe executable:

PATH: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\msiexec.exe


Then, go to Command-Line Condition and make the following configuration:

Arguments: /p "%UserProfile%\Downloads\AcrobatDCx64*.msp"

Use Strict equality check mode.

For other Adobe packages (or any other software vendors) you must adjust the path to your .MSP file within your Arguments field. MSIEXEC.EXE should be elevated at all times while you are elevating .MSP file installation.







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