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Home > 320: Browser Router > Knowledge base > 02: Troubleshooting > 28: How-to resolve the IE-Tab Issues in Edge for PolicyPak Browser Router managed URLs
28: How-to resolve the IE-Tab Issues in Edge for PolicyPak Browser Router managed URLs
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PolicyPak Browser Router fails to redirect URLs to Edge in IE-Tab mode despite being redirected to Microsoft Edge browser.

Other Symptoms:

Visiting Edge:compat in Edge from an affected system may show a screen similar to below.

Possible Causes:

There was previous GPO configuration where the IE Site List and the Enterprise Mode Site list were managed via Group Policy ADMX settings. Note: Even after disabling the IE site list and the Enterprise Mode Site list in the previous GPO configuration on Computer and/or User side this issue could persist.

This issue can also occur if the following registry location is edited manually. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\EnterpriseMode)


To resolve the issue regardless of either cause above, delete the ppBRsitelist_v2.xml file located in the User's Local app data directory (%LocalAppData%\PolicyPak\PolicyPak Browser Router\ppBRsitelist_v2.xml).

Then run GPUPDATE or GPUPDATE /FORCE to restore PPBR functionality and ensure proper redirection of websites to Edge in IE-tab mode.
Or visit Edge:compat in Edge and click the Force update button, the screen should now look similar to below.

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