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Home > 410: Scripts & Triggers Manager > Knowledge Base > 01: Troubleshooting > 07: How do I update Windows 7 machines to TLS 1.2 such that they work with PolicyPak Cloud?
07: How do I update Windows 7 machines to TLS 1.2 such that they work with PolicyPak Cloud?
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First know that Windows 7 is not officially supported by PolicyPak and may or may not work for all functions.

Pre-read the following to know what is known to NOT work in Windows 7 before continuing:

Then after that, if you still wish to use PolicyPak with Windows 7 and PolicyPak Cloud, you must update Windows 7 to be TLS 1.2 complaint.

Then to adjust on these computers, all pre-Windows 10 machines must be upgraded to use TLS 1.2 on the client. The how-to from Microsoft is here: quick version goes like this:

  • Have Service Pack 1 installed (on Windows 7).
  • Have the Windows Update KB3140245 installed. (Download from Microsoft Catalog.)
  • Update the registry. (Download the Microsoft Easy Fix which is downloadable as a .MSI for easy deliver.)

Note that PolicyPak Support cannot be engaged for you to update these machines on your behalf. And we cannot automatically validate or report that you have performed the steps correctly.

If you wish to script the installation of the KB3140245 hotfix and the Registry with the “Easy fix” you can do so with two scripts. These scripts will work with PolicyPak Cloud and PolicyPak Scripts Manager (GPO, MDM or Cloud.)

The video explaining how to do this by hand, or by script, or using PolicyPak Scripts can be found at :

Note for the MSU file, you will need to stage it on Amazon S3 or another publicly readable service like Azure Blob storage. The file cannot automatically be downloaded by Windows 7 in its original home location because that download requires TLS 1.2; and the machine you’re trying to update doesn’t support that yet.  Note also that the script references the 64-bit MSU file. You will need a separate script to deliver the MSU to 32-bit Windows 7 machines. Or if you have Windows 8 machines or Server 2008 R2 machines, use the corresponding MSU from the Microsoft Catalog referenced above.

Script 1: Win 7 MSU Update




Script 2: Win 7 Easy Fix




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