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Home > 120: Getting Started with PolicyPak (Misc) > Knowledge Base > 04: Troubleshooting (General) > 01: What must I send to PolicyPak support in order to get the FASTEST support?
01: What must I send to PolicyPak support in order to get the FASTEST support?
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Here is what we need for you to do in order to troubleshoot most issues:


  1. Everything around your case involves the SRX number. Support case emails have SRX IDs like SRX01234. It’s very important to include this SRX case number on the SUBJECT LINE.
  2. In these examples, you will also collect log files and rename them and pre-pend file names with the case number as shown in the examples below.
  3. You will NOT ATTACH these to your email. Log files are UPLOADED to our SHAREFILE system. The URL is provided when you initiate a case.

Here is how to receive the best help from us:

  1. Your Problem Statement with Screenshots. GOOD descriptions would include:
    • The PAK name and compiled with value.
    • The CSE version you are using.
    • A “story” of the problem, where the GPO is (user or computer side) and what it’s doing and where it’s linked.
  2. Specific screenshots of:
    • What you did in PolicyPak and
    • The RESULT on the endpoint.
  3. Your PPLOGS from an affected machine. (WARNING: We cannot help you without this.)
    Here's a video overview of how to collect logs and name them correctly.
    Summary of the video:
    On an affected endpoint, you’re going to run PPLogs TWICE.

    Example how to:

    • Use an ADMIN command prompt and run PPLOGS. Rename to
    • Use a NORMAL command prompt and run PPLOGS. Rename to

  1. Run GPRESULT and get us results:
    • Use an ADMIN command prompt and run GPRESULT /h SRX01234-gpresult-as-ADMIN.html
    • Use a NORMAL command prompt and run GPRESULT /h SRX01234-gpresult-as-USER.html
  2. Export your PP XML settings:
    1. Your Export of any relevant settings.
    2. Most PolicyPak settings are simply right-click EXPORT like this (Collection and individual policy shown)….

  1. For PolicyPak Application Manager (most common) this is what you want to do: There are TWO ways to export settings. This is the type of export we REQUIRE. You must press the OPTIONS button within the Pak then select Export.

Rename your XML file(s) to not only include the SRX number but to also contain hints as to their content. For example:
SRX01234-PPAM-Export.XML (say, for PP App Manager) or
SRX01234-PPBR.Export.XML (say, for PP Browser Router) or
SRX01234-PPLPM.Export.XML (say, for PPLPM / Least Priv Manager.)

  1. So, now you need to wrap up ALL the items you collected:

    ZIP them up, say, as (using YOUR SRX number and not 1234.)
    Finally, upload them to SHAREFILE.. With the LINK you get in the BOUNCEBACK.

    Do NOT attach in your EMAIL, they will be automatically dumped by the email system.

    • SRX01234-gpresult-as-ADMIN.html
    • SRX01234-gpresult-as-USER.html
    • XMLs, like: SRX01234-PPAM-Export.XML, SRX01234-PPBR.Export.XML, SRX01234-PPLPM.Export.XML
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