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Home > 410: Scripts & Triggers Manager > Knowledge Base > 02: Tip and Tricks > 01: How to import a WLAN / 802.11 / Wireless profile from a Network Share using PolicyPak Scripts Manager?
01: How to import a WLAN / 802.11 / Wireless profile from a Network Share using PolicyPak Scripts Manager?
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  1. From an elevated PowerShell prompt on a machine where the WiFi profile is setup and working run the following to show all WLAN profiles on the PC:
    netsh wlan show profiles
  2. Export the profile you need by running the command below - substituting values relevant to your WiFi settings/Environment
    netsh wlan export profile name="Company WiFi" key=clear folder=c:\temp
    • Note: This means the XML file will contain your WiFi password in clear text, please take whatever measures are needed to protect the contents of this file as dictated by your company's policy.
  3. Copy the C:\temp\Company WiFi.xml to a share accessible by the users and computers that will need the WiFi Profile. i.e. "%logonserver%\share\WiFi\Company WiFi.xml"
  4. Create the WLAN GPO and apply it to the OU where the Computers live, next use PolicyPak Scripts Manager > on the Computer side to create a new policy item.

  5. At the “Specify policy target screen be sure to use switched mode for the policy.

  6. For the Apply action use the command below (remember to use the PowerShell Script option from the drop down).
    netsh wlan add profile filename="%logonserver%\share\WiFi\Company WiFi.xml" user=all
  7. Verify that "Run script as user" check box is checked then click “Save”

Tip: If needed you can delete this WLAN profile from a computer using an elevated PowerShell command prompt.
netsh wlan delete profile name="Company WiFi"

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