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Home > 120: Getting Started with PolicyPak (Misc) > Knowledge Base > 02: Tips, Tricks and FAQs > 09: How does PolicyPak perform Folder Redirection or OneDrive Known Folder Move (KFM) with PolicyPak Group Policy, PolicyPak MDM or PolicyPak Cloud?
09: How does PolicyPak perform Folder Redirection or OneDrive Known Folder Move (KFM) with PolicyPak Group Policy, PolicyPak MDM or PolicyPak Cloud?
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PolicyPak as a product DOESN’T perform Folder Redirection or OneDrive Known Folder Move.


PolicyPak CAN, however, deliver the Group Policy or registry settings required to perform these operations.


These operations are just built into Windows and OneDrive, and THEY do the work… PolicyPak just delivers the SETTINGS.


Folder Redirection and PolicyPak:


For Folder Redirection, use Group Policy Preferences to deliver the following settings that you are interested in.


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Name: AppData


Data: %USERPROFILE%\Application Data


Name: Desktop


Data: %USERPROFILE%\Desktop


Name: Personal


Data: %USERPROFILE%\My Documents


Name: My Pictures


Data: %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures


Name: Start Menu


Data: %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu


For more details see this article:


For OneDrive Known Folder Move (KFM) and PolicyPak


Read this first: then use the OneDrive Group Policy settings to perform the work.


TIP: Full, step by step and expert advice in this area can be found in the MDM book at in the OneDrive chapter.


The latest OneDrive ADMX files are always just installed alongside the OneDrive client.


So, we suggest that on a single, solitary machine, go to  find the download (or reinstall) for Windows 10.

Again: Even if you think you have it, just… re-download and reinstall it, just so I know you're using the latest OneDrive client version.


Then, once done, on a Windows 10 machine, you'll look for the files in %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\BuildNumber\adm (yes, adm and not ADMX for some reason.)


Then you can use then with your Central Store and PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager and/or PolicyPak Cloud.


Video tip for adding ADMX files to your Central Store:

Video tip for adding ADMX files to your PolicyPak Cloud:


The policy settings you might want to use are…


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