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Home > 120: Getting Started with PolicyPak (Misc) > Knowledge Base > 04: Troubleshooting (General) > 16: How can I present a custom dialog (or no dialog) if Browser Router (or the CSE) stops working or crashes?
16: How can I present a custom dialog (or no dialog) if Browser Router (or the CSE) stops working or crashes?
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Using the PolicyPak ADMX files, you can use the “Show error message dialog when URL routing is not possible” setting.

Note that when the setting is:


  1. Default: It will use the default text.
  2. Enabled: You can specify your own dialog title and text. NOTE that HTML is NOT supported. Must be straight text.
  3. Disabled: No dialog will appear if PolicyPak PolicyPak Browser Router or the CSE has a problem. This could be desirable, but also means that functions will just stop with no notification.


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