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Home > 120: Getting Started with PolicyPak (Misc) > Knowledge Base > 04: Troubleshooting (General) > 08: How do I ensure that settings will revert when the policy no longer applies (by Group Policy, File, or PolicyPak Cloud)?
08: How do I ensure that settings will revert when the policy no longer applies (by Group Policy, File, or PolicyPak Cloud)?
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It’s a little different for each component.

PolicyPak Application Manager

  1. All PolicyPak Application Manager Applock (UI) lockout and ACL Lockdown will automatically revert when the policy no longer applies.
  2. In order to specify to have SETTINGS revert back, please see the screenshots below. There are two choices:
    • a. Revert a specific element back when it no longer applies as seen here.

    • b. Revert all elements back when they no longer apply as seen here.

PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager

PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager policies don’t need any “revert” item set for normal ADMX entries that ship in the box from Microsoft

Revert when no longer applies should just happen automatically.

PolicyPak Security Settings Manager

Policies don’t need any “revert” flag set. Items that CAN revert will. Some security setting cannot revert by their nature once they are set. You should test out revert on security settings before major deployment when possible.

PolicyPak Preferences Manager

When using PolicyPak Preferences Manager to deploy Group Policy Preferences items, settings DO need to be specified to revert, or they will not.

Here’s an example of how to specify to “Remove the item when it is no longer applied.”

This flag must be set or PolicyPak cannot revert the item when the policy no longer applies

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